Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Speak for the Words

Quotes are among my favorite things. They are my guideposts through life; my internal compass. I attempt to speak for the words, which make up quotes, which gives inspiration. The following is an "I Am" poem about one of my favorite things.

I am words of inspiration, wisdom throughout the ages, profound thoughts - true today and tomorrow
I wonder and marvel at those who cherish me
I hear people reading me ever so quietly, loud and triumphantly, or with prayerful reverence
I see sunshiny smiles, faces of content, and tear-brimmed eyes
I want to always be a surprise in the foil wrapper of Dove chocolates

I am words of inspiration, wisdom throughout the ages, profound thoughts - true today and tomorrow
I pretend that everyone in the world hangs on my every syllable
I believe my words are a magic potion able to transform hurts to hopes, defiance to destiny, woes to wisdom
I touch the broken hearts, damaged souls, and ever-wandering, but never lost minds of those who seek and ponder me
I feel richly rewarded when recited as a source of much-needed strength or encouragement
I worry that future generations will not realize my monumental power
I cry when overlooked by the apathetic, who feel nothing; the arrogant, who need nothing

I am words of inspiration, wisdom throughout the ages, profound thoughts - true today and tomorrow
I understand the vast impact I impart to all of humanity
I say silly things, sweet nothings, and thought-provoking ideas
I dream to always be alive, breathing hope and inspiration to those who pursue me
I hope to be magnetized to refrigerators, scribbled on napkins, imprinted within blithe hearts

I am words of inspiration, wisdom throughout the ages, profound thoughts - true today and tomorrow


  1. Omc I love it!!!:) It's amazing.:) I think my favorite line is the last line of the first stanza. "I want to always be a surprise in the foil wrapper of Dove chocolates" I love how clever that is.:) And I didn't know you liked quotes so much. I love them too!! ^^ Though probably for different reasons. I had 100 final fantasy quote-of-the days on my blog.:) I love all of them. ^^ That's an awesome poem. :)


  2. This is just lovely....
    I am in full agreement on the love of quotes.
