Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wonderings on Common Decency

Trying to stay positive is becoming more and more challenging in our world.  Sad to say... there is so much sarcasm and disrespect even in the tone people use when talking to each other. Have we gotten to busy that we have forgotten common decency of taking time to listen and care for each other... to respond with just a simple nod or smile?  I have heard if you can't same something nice... don't say anything at all!  I think this should apply to tone as well!

I made a promise to myself and God that I would attempt to be a more positive person: at home, at school, everywhere!  So far today, I have blown it!  My morning started out at 3AM with an "explosion" in my belly!  Needless to say... not much sleep after that!  My morning didn't get off quite the way I had expected.  Hmmm... did I say "I"... maybe THAT is part of the problem...  

I get to school to begin the last three and a half days... that is a big-time positive, right?  Yep... except the fact that we are getting emails telling us to do things that we were told earlier this year, not to do!  Oh well... STAY POSITIVE!!  Oh yeah, the other memo about packing up ALL books from shelves!  Did I mention I have about 1500 books!  ARGH!!  STAY POSITIVE!!

The kids were great today.  AR Celebration, reading, puzzlers!  Such fun!  I really stumped them on one "wordle".  I even offered free ice cream for the one who guessed correctly at recess!  No one got it!
" _IBRARY"  -   If you are reading my blog... can you guess this?

I digress... back to common decency!  I don't know?  But this I do know... common decency should and could have the same effect as negative tone and sarcasm.  The ripple-effect could definitely work!  I think that will be my goal for tomorrow!  Use common decency sprinkled with a smile and kindness in my tone... let's see how many folks are affected positively by this little experiment.  I am not talking "random acts of kindness" here; just common courtesy and decency demonstrated through tone and words!  

Wish me luck...


  1. Hmmm... could the lack of common courtesy and decency be considered "character building opportunities" on our part? I know with the lack of said thoughtlessness I've really had to dig deep this year! lol

  2. "Words of Wisdom" from a young woman who is greatly respected by this blogger!
