Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Day of Summer for a Teacher!

Slept later than usual, but not as late as I meant to.  Took Beau outside for his morning ritual, before I get mine started.  Drank my first cup of coffee... AHH!!  The usual routine for a morning.  Every day starts the same, except TODAY is my first day of summer break!  What is so different than every other Saturday?  No planning required!  No papers to grade!  Simply the feeling of being behind, not left behind, is gone...POOF!  

Rocking in my recliner with Beauregard at my side, drinking my steaming cup of coffee, reading my devotional, talking with God... all the comforts and security of home.  The only thing that is missing is anything having to do with school, all summer!  I remember running the normal Saturday chores in my mind.  But, I think... I have all summer to do those things: dust, mop, wash clothes, straighten the clutter, wash dishes, etc.  Washing dishes won out!  And that was it!  

Everything else accomplished today never made it to my list!  Got Beau's flea/tick meds, so he can walk on the Greenway with the "Walkers & Waggers"!  Headed home to dig up irises!  Clean out my herb garden!  Don was building cutest picket-fence for the backdrop of my fragrant herb garden.  This tiny garden is the first view of our yard as we pull up the driveway... softly whispering, "Welcome Home, Friends!" 

 This is how I loved my first day of summer!  Many more to come...AAHHH!


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